Kategorie:Předměty: Porovnání verzí

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Řádek 2 485:
| [[Soubor:CORE_TXT_M3_Grease_Gun.png|64px|link=]]
| '''[[:Kategorie:Předměty|M3 Grease Gun]]'''
| Polished Blackstone (×3)<br>Block Of Iron<br>Cyan Terracotta<br>Grindstone<br>Redstone Repeater
| <br>
| {{RECIPE/gun_crafting
|input1 = Polished Blackstone
|input2 =
|input3 =
|input4 =
|input5 =
|input6 = Cyan Terracotta
|input7 = Block Of Iron
|input8 = Polished Blackstone
|input9 = Grindstone
|input10 = Redstone Repeater
|input11 = Cyan Terracotta
|input12 =
|input13 = Polished Blackstone
|input14 =
|input15 =
|required1 =
|output1 = M3 Grease Gun
| Stone Slab (×6)<br>Gunpowder (×2)<br>Iron Nugget (×?×30)
| {{RECIPE/gun_crafting
|input1 =
Řádek 2 516:
|input8 = Stone Slab
|input9 = Iron Nugget
|input9count = ?30
|input10 = Stone Slab
|input11 =
Řádek 2 531:
| [[Soubor:CORE_TXT_MP_40.png|64px|link=]]
| '''[[:Kategorie:Předměty|MP 40]]'''
| Chain (×3)<br>Block Of Iron<br>Polished Basalt<br>Iron Ingot<br>Polished Blackstone Wall<br>Dispenser
| <br>
| {{RECIPE/gun_crafting
|input1 = Chain
|input2 =
|input3 =
|input4 = Iron Ingot
|input5 =
|input6 = Chain
|input7 = Block Of Iron
|input8 = Polished Basalt
|input9 = Polished Basalt
|input10 = Dispenser
|input11 = Chain
|input12 =
|input13 =
Řádek 2 549:
|input15 =
|required1 =
|output1 = MP 40
| Stone Slab (×6)<br>Gunpowder (×2)<br>Iron Nugget (×?×32)
| {{RECIPE/gun_crafting
|input1 =
Řádek 2 562:
|input8 = Stone Slab
|input9 = Iron Nugget
|input9count = ?32
|input10 = Stone Slab
|input11 =
Řádek 2 577:
| [[Soubor:CORE_TXT_MAC_10.png|64px|link=]]
| '''[[:Kategorie:Předměty|MAC-10]]'''
| Cracked Polished Blackstone Bricks (×2)<br>Polished Andesite Stairs<br>Block Of Iron<br>Polished Andesite Slab<br>Nether Brick<br>Andesite Wall (×2)<br>Observer
| <br>
| {{RECIPE/gun_crafting
|input1 = Cracked Polished Blackstone Bricks
|input2 =
|input3 = Polished Andesite Stairs
|input4 =
|input5 =
|input6 = Block Of Iron
|input7 = Polished Andesite Slab
|input8 = Nether Brick
|input9 = Andesite Wall
|input10 = Observer
|input11 = Cracked Polished Blackstone Bricks
|input12 =
|input13 =
|input14 = Andesite Wall
|input15 =
|required1 =
|output1 = MAC 10
| Stone Slab (×6)<br>Gunpowder (×2)<br>Iron Nugget (×?)
Řádek 2 608:
|input8 = Stone Slab
|input9 = Iron Nugget
|input9count = ?30
|input10 = Stone Slab
|input11 =
Řádek 2 623:
| [[Soubor:CORE_TXT_Uzi.png|64px|link=]]
| '''[[:Kategorie:Předměty|Uzi]]'''
| Hopper<bv>Stone Stairs<br>Nether Brick<br>Iron Ingot<br>Dropper<br>Anvil
| <br>
| {{RECIPE/gun_crafting
|input1 =
|input2 =
|input3 = Hopper
|input4 =
|input5 =
|input6 = Stone Stairs
|input7 = Nether Brick
|input8 = Iron Ingot
|input9 = Iron Ingot
|input10 = Dropper
|input11 =
|input12 =
|input13 = Anvil
|input14 =
|input15 =
|required1 =
|output1 = Uzi
| Stone Slab (×6)<br>Gunpowder (×2)<br>Iron Nugget (×?×30)
| {{RECIPE/gun_crafting
|input1 =
Řádek 2 654:
|input8 = Stone Slab
|input9 = Iron Nugget
|input9count = ?30
|input10 = Stone Slab
|input11 =
Řádek 2 669:
| [[Soubor:CORE_TXT_MP5.png|64px|link=]]
| '''[[:Kategorie:Předměty|MP5]]'''
| Nether Brick (×4)<br>Hopper<br>Dropper<br>Stone Brick Stairs<br>Anvil<br>Polished Blackstone Brick Wall<br>Iron Bars
| <br>
| {{RECIPE/gun_crafting
|input1 =
|input2 = Nether Brick
|input3 =
|input4 = Hopper
|input5 =
|input6 = Stone Brick Stairs
|input7 = Nether Brick
|input8 = Nether Brick
|input9 = Nether Brick
|input10 = Dropper
|input11 =
|input12 = Anvil
|input13 = Polished Blackstone Brick Wall
|input14 = Iron Bars
|input15 =
|required1 =
|output1 = MP5
| Stone Slab (×6)<br>Gunpowder (×2)<br>Iron Nugget (×?×30)
| {{RECIPE/gun_crafting
|input1 =
Řádek 2 700:
|input8 = Stone Slab
|input9 = Iron Nugget
|input9count = ?30
|input10 = Stone Slab
|input11 =
Řádek 2 715:
| [[Soubor:CORE_TXT_MP5K.png|64px|link=]]
| '''[[:Kategorie:Předměty|MP5K]]'''
| Polished Andesite (×3)<br>Smooth Stone Slab (×2)<br>Iron Nugget<br>Block Of Iron<br>Netherite Ingot<br>Dispenser<br>Chain<br>Tripwire hook
| <br>
| {{RECIPE/gun_crafting
|input1 = Polished Andesite
|input2 =
|input3 = Smooth Stone Slab
|input4 = Smooth Stone Slab
|input5 = Iron Nugget
|input6 = Polished Andesite
|input7 = Block Of Iron
|input8 = Netherite Ingot
|input9 = Polished Andesite
|input10 = Dispenser
|input11 =
|input12 = Chain
|input13 =
|input14 = Tripwire hook
|input15 =
|required1 =
|output1 = MP5K
| Stone Slab (×6)<br>Gunpowder (×2)<br>Iron Nugget (×?×20)
| {{RECIPE/gun_crafting
|input1 =
Řádek 2 746:
|input8 = Stone Slab
|input9 = Iron Nugget
|input9count = ?20
|input10 = Stone Slab
|input11 =
Řádek 2 761:
| [[Soubor:CORE_TXT_FN_P90.png|64px|link=]]
| '''[[:Kategorie:Předměty|FN P90]]'''
| Spruce Wood<br>Dark Oak Trapdoor<br>Gray Stained Glass<br>Block Of Iron<br>Obsidian<br>Netherite Ingot<br>Cauldron<br>Andesite Slab (×3)<br>Polished Blackstone Stairs
| <br>
| {{RECIPE/gun_crafting
|input1 = Spruce Wood
|input2 =
|input3 = Dark Oak Trapdoor
|input4 = Gray Stained Glass
|input5 =
|input6 =
|input7 = Block Of Iron
|input8 = Obsidian
|input9 = Netherite Ingot
|input10 = Cauldron
|input11 = Andesite Slab
|input12 = Andesite Slab
|input13 = Andesite Slab
|input14 = Polished Blackstone Stairs
|input15 =
|required1 =
|output1 = FN P90
| Stone Slab (×6)<br>Gunpowder (×2)<br>Iron Nugget (×?×50)
| {{RECIPE/gun_crafting
|input1 =
Řádek 2 792:
|input8 = Stone Slab
|input9 = Iron Nugget
|input9count = ?50
|input10 = Stone Slab
|input11 =
Řádek 2 807:
| [[Soubor:CORE_TXT_UMP45.png|64px|link=]]
| '''[[:Kategorie:Předměty|UMP45]]'''
| Smooth Stone Slab (×3)<br>Minecart<br>Polished Blackstone Button<br>Iron Ingot<br>Netherite Ingot (×2)<br>Dropper<br>Cobblestone Wall
| <br>
| {{RECIPE/gun_crafting
|input1 = Smooth Stone Slab
|input2 =
|input3 =
|input4 = Minecart
|input5 = Polished Blackstone Button
|input6 = Smooth Stone Slab
|input7 = Iron Ingot
|input8 = >Netherite Ingot
|input9 = >Netherite Ingot
|input10 = Dropper
|input11 = Smooth Stone Slab
|input12 =
|input13 =
|input14 = Cobblestone Wallw
|input15 =
|required1 =
|output1 = UMP45
| Stone Slab (×6)<br>Gunpowder (×2)<br>Iron Nugget (×?×25)
| {{RECIPE/gun_crafting
|input1 =
Řádek 2 838:
|input8 = Stone Slab
|input9 = Iron Nugget
|input9count = ?25
|input10 = Stone Slab
|input11 =
Řádek 2 879:
|output1 =
| Nether Brick (×?×2)<br>Gold Ingot<br>Iron Nugget (×?×2)
| {{RECIPE/gun_crafting
|input1 =
Řádek 2 885:
|input3 =
|input4 = Nether Brick
|input4count = ?2
|input5 =
|input6 = Sawed_off
Řádek 2 896:
|input13 =
|input14 = Iron Nugget
|input14count = ?2
|input15 =
|required1 =
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